The capital club will be forced into the blind auction with Lecce for fullback Cassetti and with Torino for Comotto. 最终罗马俱乐部不得不与莱切和都灵进行秘密竞价,来分别争夺后卫卡塞蒂与科莫托。
A civil aircraft lien shall not be extinguished because of the transference of the ownership of the civil aircraft; except that the civil aircraft was the subject of a forced auction sale in accordance with law. 民用航空器优先权不因民用航空器所有权的转让而消灭;但是,民用航空器经依法强制拍卖的除外。
Without CPO buyers, dealers would be forced to put these vehicles up for auction, forcing down prices and, as a result, future trade-in values. 若无cpo买家承接,经销商将被迫把这些汽车挂牌出售,从而压低价格,并因此降低未来折旧价值。
We demand these relics be returned to China, and oppose forced auction of them. 我们要求这些文物回到中国,反对强行拍卖这些文物的行为。
With respect to the ship or the property salved that cannot be kept or cannot be properly kept, or the storage charge to be incurred may exceed its value, the salvor may apply for an earlier forced sale by auction. 通过血缘关系或遗嘱获取财产的行为。对于无法管、不易保管或者保管费用可能超过其价值的获救的船舶和其他财产,可以申请提前拍卖。
Research on Forced Auction 强制拍卖研究
However, the court forced sale of the private nature of the legal system or whether the law on the punishment, directly affect the legal effect of the auction. 然而,法院强制拍卖的性质究竟系私法上的法律行为还是公法上的处分行为,直接影响到拍卖的法律效果。
The third part of a forced auction sale in China mainly describe the system and practice the existing limitations and problems. 第三部分着重叙述我国强制拍卖制度和实践中存在的一些不足和问题。
There are certainly conflicts between the auction rules and the lessee preemption right, so that some scholars deny the lessee preemption right in the forced auction. 由于拍卖规则与承租人优先购买权制度存在一定的冲突,有学者因此而否认强制拍卖下承租人的优先购买权。
Although our country into forced auction system there has been some years, but the related theory research and related laws and regulations still lack, can not meet the needs of the executed practice. 虽然我国引入强制拍卖制度已有一些年头,但是相关理论研究和法律法规仍然欠缺,不能满足执行实践的需要。
The fourth part of a forced auction sale in China to perfect the system of the proposed some Suggestions. 第四部分对我国强制拍卖制度的完善提出了一些自己的建议。
Combined with the practice of the complex relationship between various main interests, the subject of a forced auction sale in China at present social evaluation and implementation effects are not satisfactory. 加上实践中多方主体之间利益关系复杂,目前我国强制拍卖的社会评价和执行效果都不尽如人意。